FanonFall: A FusionFall Fan Fiction Wiki
Zack TonamiA World Mission Major Separation (Part 1 of 4)
Level 26
Difficulty Medium
Character Zack Tonami
Place Crisis Peak
Find the rest of the Aurora Team.
My Notes
My friends have been missing ever since we got separated. Can you go find them for me? I'll give you a reward if you do.

Mission Details[]

Zack TonamiA Zack Tonami
My friends have been missing ever since we got separated. Can you go find them for me? I'll give you a reward if you do.

Step 1
Look for Zekzon.

(Dark City)

ZekzonA Zekzon
Hey, who are you? Wait, Zack sent you? Tell him I'm in Dark City!

Step 2
Find Aliyah.
File:AliyahA.png Aliyah
Hey, did Zack send you? He's such a worry-wart about me. Tell him I'm in Peach Creek Commons.

Step 3
Find Blast

(Titans Tower)

BlastA Blast
Hmph, Zack always wonders where I'm at. Tell him I'm at Titans Tower.

Zack TonamiA Zack Tonami
That should be everybod-- hey! Where's Jay?! She has to be somewhere!

Step 4
Look for Jay.

(Orchid Bay)

File:JayA.png Jay
Oh, wow, now Zack decides to find me! When will he learn? Tell him I'm at Orchid Bay.

Step 5
Return To Zack.
Zack TonamiA Zack Tonami
Thanks so much! Now that I know my friends haven't been replaced by Fusions, we can get back to doing what we do! Thanks again -- though Zekzon may still have a mission for you. Talk to him and see's what's up.