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Young Avengers Movie trailer

Young Avengers Movie trailer

  • Uploaded by xYoungAvengers on Feb 23, 2012

Video Description: 2012 May 1st please watch in 480p thanks. Actors: dannybosa, Bulletthird, flashfirezenith, Fusionfallplayer001, and theguy101100.

This movie is about a group of youngsters being worthy of takin a legacy. Hunter Beasttooth will take on the lords of lords fuse. Bulletthird the second genration will fight along side with his fellow partner.

This is not the real Movie it will take a long time for me to edit .Well! in the meantime enjoy this movie trailer because we will be making the 2D movie Trailer but others needs to take turn on these roles and don't worry guys because we be making alot of action. The director of this movie is Fusionfall movies so get ready! for are 2D trailer.
